Lost Woodpecker

The neighbor behind my home has been cutting down all of their trees for the past 10 days.  Giant pine trees, slightly smaller palms and many many more are all gone.  At first glance, there is so much more sunlight streaming into my home and I won’t have to sweep up all of those falling pine needles, that accumulate on a daily basis.On second take, the much beloved shade from the hot sun has disappeared, and I hate the heat.

From the looks of things, I can still see much work still needs to be done, many bare and very tall tree stumps lay in the wake.

Last evening, I was looking out the back patio doors when I spotted a lone Woodpecker viewing the empty tree-scape.  I felt sad for the bird and wondered if his home had been destroyed.  I wanted to go out there and hug and comfort him in some way.  I know that’s silly and he would have simply flown away, fearing me.  My heart is sad.